
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Linux: Basic Linux Commands

mkdir - make directories
Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.
 Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
 -m, mode=MODE  set permission mode (as in chmod), not rwxrwxrwx - umask
 -p, parents  no error if existing, make parent directories as needed
 -v, verbose  print a message for each created directory
 -help display this help and exit
 -version output version information and exit

mv- change the name of a directory
Type mv followed by the current name of a directory and the new name of the directory.
 Ex: mv testdir newnamedir 

pwd - print working directory
will show you the full path to the directory you are currently in. This is very handy to use, especially when performing some of the other commands on this page

chmod - change file access permissions
 Ex: chmod -r 777 filename
r  Change the permission on files that are in the subdirectories of the directory that you are currently in.        permission  Specifies the rights that are being granted. Below is the different rights that you can grant in an alpha  numeric format.filenames  File or directory that you are associating the rights with Permissions

cp - Copy files
cp  myfile yourfile
Copy the files "myfile" to the file "yourfile" in the current working directory. This command will create the file "yourfile" if it doesn't exist. It will normally overwrite it without warning if it exists.
cmp file1 file2 -  
Compares two files, reporting all discrepancies. Similar to the diff command, though the output format differs.

find path -name pattern -print
Searches the specified path for files with names matching the specified pattern (usually enclosed in single quotes) and prints their names. The find command has many other arguments and functions; see the online documentation.
Ex: find dir -name index.html 

kill process_ids
kill - signal process_ids
kill -l
Kills the specified processes, sends the specified processes the specified signal (given as a number or name), or prints a list of available signals.

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