
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Games1256: 6000 games played till now

Hi All,

   Here is the stats of games1256.com till  date:

Total games played: 6000
No. of games available: 1700
Total users: 389
Daily page visits: 60

Thanks to all who are using my website. I will try to add more good games in future.

Please post your suggestions and comments to improve website(games1256.com)  


Friday, July 5, 2013

"@php_bin@" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

After lot of struggle I was able to install the PEAR and PHPCodeSniffer in Xampp (Windows). In this process, I have faced lot of problems to run the PHPCodeSniffer properly. In this process, I found lot of good articles which explained me well from the beginning. But I spent lot of time to fix the error  "@php_bin@ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

Here is the solution which worked for me I hope it will be useful to others also:

1. First Download PHPCodeSniffer from http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer/download and extract this in your Local directory. In my case I have extracted in xampp/htdocs

2. Find phpcs.bat file that you extracted, open it by using your fav. editor and define 2 variable to set the paths manually.

set phpbin="D:\xampp\php\php.exe" (This is the php.exe path)
set location="D:\xampp\htdocs\PHPCodeSniffer\scripts" (This is the path where phpcs.bat is located)

and replace actual line with below given line
"%phpbin%" -d auto_append_file="" -d auto_prepend_file="" -d include_path="'%phpbin%'" -f "%location%\phpcs" -- %*

3. open command line and execute the phpcs file with the specific .php as a argument. Ex:

> phpcs D:\xampp\htdocs\test.php (add path before phpcs if you did not set the environment variable for phpcs)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

lighhttpd dead but subsys locked

Recently I was assigned a work to run a .sh file from php script. This .sh file will execute some Linux commands to move the data from one server to another. After completion of moving part, need to restart the lighthttpd server to take all the changes updated.

This script is working perfectly when we ran from the command line but throwing error "lighhttpd dead but subsys locked" from php script. So I did debug and googled to find the problem and I found that issue with "Service restart" command.

At last I resolved the issue by changing from Service <service name> restart to Service <service name> stop and Service <service name> start individually

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Who Is Using Dial Up?

Although dial up internet does get a lot of bad press and is considered old and chunky this is just the opinion of those with access to high speed broadband. There are those who live their entire lives with nothing but dial up and those who prefer it, and one experiment by Dan Grabham whereby he spent a full 24 hours relying purely on dial up internet showed some interesting results of how people adapt to that.
The fact of the matter is that while dial up is slower than some broadband it is also faster than some, particularly at peak times as broadband does not experience slowing here, and of course there are some benefits to using dialup over broadband, such as increased security, pay as you go systems and easy access without the need to register to a provider in advance. The speed you get will depend on the dial up provider you are using just like any other internet connection and of course dial up can be far more reliable, particularly in rural areas. 

It is said that 10% of the British population still rely completely on dialup, this could be for a number of reasons, but the most common reasons are that these homes are located in not-spots (areas where no ISPs are able to provide internet access, such areas often have patchy or none existent phone coverage / dongle coverage), not-a-lot-spots  (areas where there are very few ISPs able to offer internet access, this is likely to suffer drop outs, patchy service and very low speeds), and not-at-all-goof-spots (such homes exist in areas where there are ISPs able to offer service, but it is patchy, unreliable and slow), in all such cases users are simply better off with dialup internet connections. 

Of course this doesn’t mean going back to the dial-up you might have suffered in the 80s, there are much better hardware options now – they don’t make anywhere near as much noise, they can be compatible with USB which means you don’t have to have a bulky old laptop or computer to use dialup, and you can start accessing the internet almost instantly, all you need is a phone line. 

The problem with what people remember about dialup is that they couldn’t do anything with it, however that was back when you were a kid and had to wait until your parents had gone to bed just so that you could use the phone line – today people hardly even use their home phone lines and there is a lot more to the internet than their used to be. Not only this but thanks to mobile technology and 3G many websites offer alternative formats that provide a much smaller webpage, so even if you’re dialup is a little slower you won’t feel it too much. 

This alongside benefits like security, cost effectiveness, ease of use and so on an so forth make it a popular choice for those who don’t have access to an alternative but it also makes a good alternative for those who simply don’t like broadband all that much.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Reasons To Use Dial Up Internet

You may think that dial up internet is a thing of the past and no longer suitable for use. This however is a not entirely true. Dial up internet is still used by many particularly in the states. You may ask yourself ‘why?’ Below are a number of reasons why people still choose to use dial up internet rather than our more respected broadband.
Dial up internet is in fact much cheaper than broadband internet. The reason for this being that they generally offer a pay as you go service so that users only pay for the internet that they use. If you are paying for the internet monthly and not using it for much more than browsing the web, you should really consider pay as you go dial up internet as it will save you great amounts of money.
Dial up internet is extremely easy to install into your home. All it requires you to do is plug in your modem and install the software from a CD by following the onscreen instructions. The installation process is so simple you will have no bother doing it yourself.
Dial up as you are well aware was very slow when it was first introduced but then again so was everything else.  With time though dial up has been worked on and has improved drastically. Today dial up comes with accelerators that connect to service providers in order to provide you with a much improved service.
Pop Ups:
Pop ups can be extremely annoying but more than that they slow down your connection speed as they keep downloading. This can freeze your computer and become very frustrating. Dial up internet providers will generally provide you with a pop up blocker to prevent this from happening.
Large internet providers are not always able to deliver their customers living in rural areas the same services as somebody in the city. It can be difficult to get high speed internet in rural areas or a connection at all due to it being out of the way, internet providers however will still charge the going rate even if you are not receiving what you expect to. Dial up internet however will work in rural areas as long as there is a phone line to connect to.
Dial up internet providers usually include spam protection in their packages to prevent your email inbox from filling up with unwanted emails.
It can be costly buying antivirus software for your computer, luckily most dial up providers include the software in their packages.

Is Dial Up More Cost Effective Than Broadband?

Internet access has become a must in today’s evolving society. Internet connectivity has redefined the way people work to make it more effective and easier to buy, sell and promote your business online. It is mostly achieved by the use of one or a combination of facilitating support – technologies such as dial up, coaxial cable or fibre optic land lines, t-lines, satellite, broadband and wifi. The range of connectivity can be chosen according to its need and preference.

Dial up internet connectivity

Today, Dial up Internet connectivity is the most common type of access promoted by ISPs or Internet Service Providers. The connection is cheap and slow, but enables users to connect via a local server, that exhibits strength of a standard 56 kilobits per second modem. Basically the Dial Up Internet Access is basically access to the internet via integrated telephone lines. The user’s router or computer enables access via the attached modem, which all consists of the preferred internet service provider’s node.
The technology does not require any infrastructure, other than a telephone connection, the dial up internet connection is very useful to travellers and for access in rural or remote areas. It appeals to users on limited budgets.

Broadband Internet Connection

The term of ‘Broadband’ internet connection refers to many things in different contexts. In the world of data communication, it refers to how the data is transferred over a fiber optic cable. In the case of a DSL or Digital Subscriber Line, this service relates to the transfer of digital information over a high-bandwidth channel. This is mainly the selling point of a broadband connection because it is always available and offers high speed browsing. Broadband internet in telecommunication refers to a specially developed signalling system that integrates a wide frequency range.
The difference between the two lies in the speed of access granted. The broadband option is quite the opposite of dial up technology with regards to the time taken to access telephone connection, protocol synchronisation and data transfer. However there are people who still benefit from a dial up connection from remote regions due to the opportunity to earn profitability via lowered costs.